Making Sustainability Visible: How Moss Walls Showcase LEED and WELL Building Standards

If you’re green and you know it, show it off–making your sustainable building standards visible has more benefits than you may think. As businesses increasingly prioritize sustainability and wellness in their built environments, achieving LEED and WELL Building certifications has become a mark of distinction. However, many of the features that contribute to these certifications remain unseen—improvements in air quality, …

Senior Living & Biophilic Design: Visual Connection to Nature May Help Memory

If you find yourself reading this article, we probably don’t need to review the concept of biophilic design or the 14 Patterns of Biophilic Design set forth by the brilliant minds at Terrapin Bright Green.  This article stems from years of research, first-hand monitoring of senior living environments, and careful notations regarding the challenges architects, developers, staff and residents face …

Moss for the Win in Sustainable Workplace Design

We like to think we are pretty good listeners. It is one of the core values of The Fat Plant Society–and we love that our listening skills play a role in not only understanding client “pain points” but also, product development.   Our clients are our weathervanes for our work and strategic planning–we feel listening and asking for feedback really is …

Why Moss, Why Now?

Before we answer the questions why moss and why now, we should probably address the “what” of preserved moss and explain the wonder of such a beautiful material that is neither living nor dead but requires no maintenance, only admiration. The Fat Plant Society uses various types of preserved moss.  The moss is preserved using a natural paraffin and glycerin …

Biophilic Design: What You Don’t Know May Surprise You

There are some benefits to being somewhat long in the tooth.  The benefits include being able to straddle both old world practices and new world technology and, if I may be so bold, the wisdom to know which shiny new thing deserves our attention i.e. the wisdom to see the difference between a fleeting fancy and something that just makes …