Our Interview with Editor & Environmentalist Emma Loewe

We had the opportunity and pleasure to interview the highly knowledgeable and delightful Emma Loewe. In addition to being the Sustainability Editor for mindbodygreen, Ms. Loewe is an environmentalist and self-described, “editor, author, photographer, and wannabe minimalist.” We posed our questions on biophilic design and she shared her thoughts, recommendations and how education is key to more and greater sustainability …

Biophilic Design: What You Don’t Know May Surprise You

There are some benefits to being somewhat long in the tooth.  The benefits include being able to straddle both old world practices and new world technology and, if I may be so bold, the wisdom to know which shiny new thing deserves our attention i.e. the wisdom to see the difference between a fleeting fancy and something that just makes …

Why Moss Walls are Ideal for Public Spaces: What We Learned Talking to Architects and Design Professionals

At The Fat Plant Society, we have been doing some research that extends beyond our existing knowledge on living walls and green installation options for public spaces.  We’ve been contacting design and architectural professionals both online and in person to pose questions regarding how to best interact with architects, design professionals, and others involved in the design of public spaces.  …