Making Sustainability Visible: How Moss Walls Showcase LEED and WELL Building Standards

If you’re green and you know it, show it off–making your sustainable building standards visible has more benefits than you may think. As businesses increasingly prioritize sustainability and wellness in their built environments, achieving LEED and WELL Building certifications has become a mark of distinction. However, many of the features that contribute to these certifications remain unseen—improvements in air quality, …

The Essential Connection: Why Your Brain Needs Nature in Interior Environments

You spend approximately 90% of your time indoors and that is probably not by choice. But what if you could create an interior environment that helped your brain feel less stress, less anxiety, less fear while enhancing your creativity and sense of well-being? Your brain needs nature inside and out and we will delineate the reasons, the problems that stem …

Moss Walls versus Living Walls: Which is the Best Choice for Your Needs and Desires

There is more than one way to bring nature and into your home or workplace so we’re going to break down the difference between moss walls and living walls and give you the skinny on each of these brilliant biophilic design options that provide calm and other wellness benefits including noise and air pollutant reduction (along with the mental benefits of attention restoration and focus).

Doing the Right Thing: Why Hotels Are Embracing Biophilic Design

BEYOND AESTHETICS AND INTO REAL, HUMAN EXPERIENCE Every June, thought and practice leaders in biophilic design gather to attend HOTEC Design Conference. This June 17-20, conference goers will be at the PGA National Resort in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida and the agenda for the conference is so inspiring.  From a panel discussion of  “The Intersection of Senior Living and Hospitality …

The New Workspace: Prioritizing What Employees Want and Crucially, Their Needs

Rather than delineate or advocate the “right” workspace design, we will focus on what employees are expressing, what architects, designers, and interior artists have shared with us regarding what works well, what is in high demand in workplace design, and what people want and need to feel good the moment they cross the threshold of the workplace.

REAL Green Marketing: The Why, the How and the Positive Impact

Can biophilic design and the incorporation of greenery into your space really make you happier, healthier and make your space a space that people seek out and actually want to be? The idea that people have an innate affinity for nature dates back to the 1980s, but designing spaces according to the principles of nature is reaching a peak now. …

Designing for Wellness: Maximizing Your Workplace Safety Investments During the Pandemic

There is no shortage of recommendations, advice, and protocols for safety in the workplace during the pandemic from savvy, strategically-minded architects, designers, HR experts, and building planners as we all work to navigate the current physical workplace and design for wellness. We will spare you the slurry of terms such as “unprecedented,” and “new normal,” as well as the cliches …

Why Biophilic Design Is Good For You: And “Bio” Terminologies Defined

Biophilic design is good for your mental and physical well being and we will explain why.  But before we do that, let’s break down the many “bio” terms that are currently being used in architecture, engineering, and design and define these terminologies and the role each plays in improving the spaces in which we live and work. Biophilia is like …

Green Walls in Schools: Beyond Health Benefits and Into Curriculum

You have likely seen at least one article on why moss is highly beneficial for the home and workplace but we’d like to share why green walls aka moss walls (see our previous post on the differences between the types of green walls) make excellent sense for schools and other educational environments.  We’ll go a little further than stress reducation, …

Biophilic Design in Healthcare: No Risk, Ample Reward for All of Us

An Introduction to Dr. Ibrahim of HOK We have been thinking about biophilic design in healthcare for quite some time. But in the past, we wondered if the healthcare industry would find our products too risky. That’s why when we watched Dr. Andrew M. Ibrahim of HOK present on the topic, we were transfixed. Turns out, not only is there …